Monday 31 October 2011

The Night Before Quitting

I haven't really been in a blogging mood this week due to completely mangling my back to the point where all I can do is sit and smoke. Not really a great thing considering that the smoking part is ending very soon! 5 hours to be precise!

But the good news is I was finally given good painkillers, so the sitting around part is a lot more fun now. Being in agony is not a good way to go into my quitting phase.

We're doing really well on our fundraising, we've just been taken over the £1000 mark on our team page thanks to our friend Kev! I still can't believe that we've managed to raise so much money for our cause in such a short space of time, I hope it continues to build up!

My only worry at this point in time is that I'm taking Co-Codamol for my back... anyone who's taken it will know the side effects it has on your stomach. And smoking is a laxative... so giving up has the opposite effect until your body starts functioning properly again. So it could be quite an uncomfortable week for me! Expect to see me walking around in baggy tops! ;)

We've both been looking forward to giving up which is highly unusual for us, normally we're dreading it. This time I know we'll do it!

I'm slightly nervous about how to keep myself busy to take my mind off of smoking. As I'm supposed to be resting my back, I can't really do a lot except potter about the shops. Which still doesn't do my back any favours.... So I'll have to find a 'restful' hobby/task to keep myself occupied. Terry has plenty to get on with, so he'll be fine ;) I can supervise him doing all of his jobs around the house haha!#

In terms of quitting aids, Terry has super strength patches and I have the chewing gum. I'll post about how we get on with those, hopefully they'll make a difference.

Terry is still going to be giving away the t-shirt he wore at this year's Worlds Strongest Man final for the highest donation to his page. He will check in the morning and see who it is. There's still time to donate for a chance!

So if you haven't donated yet and wish to do so, here are the links:

My individual page:

Terry's page:

And if you want to join in with the fundraising in any way you see fit: and request to join our team!

All in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Lauren x

Saturday 22 October 2011

Day 9 - lots of support for Terry!

Since joining the 'happylungs' team last night, Terry has had an overwhelming amount of donations! It's amazing, he's well and truly overtaken my amount! So much so, that he's raised his target amount to £1000 from £500! Not that it's a competition (well a little bit haha) but it's fantastic that he is creating so much interest just by offering his worlds strongest man t-shirt for the person with the highest donation. He doesn't really like the attention his career gives him as he's a really shy person, but he's always said he'd like to use the attention for good, such as for charity. And now it's actually doing the world of good in terms of raising money for a great charity!

Starting to really feel positive about giving up for good. All this support we're both getting is making such a difference to our state of minds. This time we can do it! I have faith! Haha

Anyhoo, as always here are our pages:

My individual justgiving page:

Terry's individual justgiving page:

And if you want to join our fundraising team:

Thanks everyone!


Friday 21 October 2011

Days 4,5,6,7 and ermmmm...8 (yes, I'm rubbish)

This week we've been really busy finishing off the bathroom, which is why I haven't been posting daily as I had originally hoped to do!

The good thing to come out of doing all this DIY (other than having a decent bathroom) is that we've been so busy we haven't really had time to smoke. We've been going hours without smoking, just working hard to get the job done. This makes me feel optimistic about actually giving up completely, as long as I'm occupied with some sort of task, I find it much easier to go without a cigarette. I think the same goes for Terry too.

So since my last blog, I've had a new recruit to the fundraising team page and another one prepared to join too! This is excellent progress, it makes me feel a lot more positive knowing I've got other people in the same position. We can help support each other!

My husband has joined the team and has had his first 2 donations this evening and I imagine he'll have seriously overtaken me by the end of the weekend! With 5000 Facebook friends, 5391 people on his fan page and nearly 1900 followers on Twitter, he should definitely get some good support! If every single person on each of these social networking sites donated just 10p, it would amount to some serious money for a fantastic cause. I just hope people try their best to help our cause.

He has said that whoever donates the most money to his individual JustGiving page by 1/11/11 (our giving up day) will receive the t-shirt he wore at the Worlds Strongest Man finals, and signed if required. I hope this is an incentive to people to donate as much as possible; although everyone who donates is doing something really decent regardless of whether it's 50p or £50. If he fails to give up smoking completely within 6 months, he's going to donate from his own money half the amount that we raise combined. So if we raise £1000, he will give £500 to the charity if he doesn't succeed. For him to say this shows how determined he is to keep to his word and stay 'given up' for good this time. I really think we can do it this time!

In a way, I wish I hadn't given myself so long before the big day. I'm bored of smoking already, and eager to start the task of giving up. Another positive, usually I'm dreading the first day of giving up.

I'm pretty sure that no one is reading this blog (what a loser, I'm soooo uninteresting) but just in case, here are all the links once again:

My individual page:

Terry's individual page:

And anyone who wants to join the fundraising team, whether it's giving up smoking or running a marathon:

And for more information about getting the chance to win Terry's Worlds Strongest Man 2011 Finals t-shirt, go to Facebook and type in: Terry Hollands and the athlete fan page should pop up.

You can also follow us both on Twitter: @terryhollands and @lorenzomingus

Night all! :)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Day 3 - not a lot to say!

Just realised that I haven't posted today. Just a quick one today, not a lot has happened!

Terry has decided to give up smoking with me, and with no nagging whatsoever. This makes me happy as it will make it much easier for me. Doing it together is far more appealing than struggling on my own.

I've been overwhelmed by the support so far, I've already raised £143, the majority of that was within 12 hours!

I'll explain more tomorrow!

Goodnight x

Saturday 15 October 2011

Day 2 - Ideas

Woke up this morning to another donation, bringing the total up to £115! Quite a way off my individual target of £500 and team target of £1000! But I believe it is achievable, and where I keep posting it on my pages, hopefully it will get out to more people!

A friend actually offered to donate £50 if my husband also gives up. I'm not sure how well that will go down, but it's worth a try. It would be good for his career as a strongman to give up smoking, and with all the friends and fans he has on his social networking sites, he'd be able to raise more money than I could ever dream of! No pressure or anything.... ;) Although, I am hoping that he will be my first team member of 'happy lungs'!

I'm debating what to do about this quitting business. Do I cut down in the run up to 1/11/11? Or do I smoke as usual, knowing it'll be my last chance to do so? When I tried to quit before, I used some nicotine replacement patches. It didn't quite work out too well though, as my whole arm went an angry shade of red, was itching and felt like I'd been punched. So every other attempt has been cold turkey.

I'm probably going to go and see the smoking cessation nurse at my doctor's surgery, I suppose it can't hurt to see what it's all about. There's no way I can use patches, so there must be another way to try and lose this habit.

I go pretty much a whole day at work without smoking due to no longer being allowed to smoke in the driving cab, so I usually have 1 cigarette on my break, and 1 when I've finished and am on my way home. Yet I can't go an hour at home without smoking. Even when I'm on a long flight I don't think about it too much, it's as if my nicotine addiction switches off the whole time I'm in the air, and only comes back to life as I'm landing. A lot of it must be in my head and I have to try and work out how to trick my mind!

I'm actually wishing I'd picked an earlier date now, all this talk about giving up is going to get tedious the closer I get to the big day. But seeing as my birthday is the 30th of October, I think it's wise to give up after this drunken occasion!

I lliterally just this second received a Facebook message from someone saying their child has CF and they're so grateful I'm raising money for it. It is such a nice thing for them to say, and I'm so pleased that a little thing like me giving up smoking will hopefully help raise enough money to try and make a difference to the lives of the sufferers. Things like this WILL keep me focused. Anytime I feel like I might sway back to my old habits, I will read my messages of support from people and look at my friend's sister's Facebook page 'Tor's Transplant Troop'.

I really feel positive this time, due to it being so out in the open and for such a good cause, I know that I can't afford to fail. I need to keep going and be successful. Not only for my own health, but for the sake of the kind people who have donated to the cause and are relying on me to keep my end of the bargain.

Right, better be off now as I have to get ready for work (major sigh), don't bloody finish til 1am arggghhh!

Last but not least, here are my JustGiving pages: you can donate towards my cause here you can join my team and help raise money here in any way you see fit! All proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and you can do whatever you fancy to help. Give up smoking? Shave your head? Backflips?

More ramblings tomorrow, see ya

Lauren x

Friday 14 October 2011

Day 1 - Thinking about giving up

So... today I decided I would give up smoking. I've been thinking about it a lot, but can never pick a date to start. It's always 'after this event', 'next week' and so on. I always have an excuse and I can never motivate myself fully.

This week, I saw my friend Sue post on Facebook that her sister Tor (Victoria) has had the double lung transplant that she has desperately needed for a long time. She has Cystic Fibrosis, and every day is a huge struggle for her to even do the simplest of tasks. Each time they got the call to go to the hospital, they were let down last minute due to the donor not being compatible, or Tor being too ill to go though surgery. And this week, all their Christmasses came at once.

I've been following their plight for a long while now, and always wished there was something I could do to help out in some way. Sounds ridiculous, what could I do that would help? Now that Tor has been given the gift of life, it makes it much easier for me to realise that I'm abusing and destroying my perfectly functional lungs, when Tor and many other CF sufferers are desperate to just breathe even a tenth as well as I can. I feel like such an arsehole to be honest, but then we all take for granted what we have.

I signed up to JustGiving and created an account for people to sponsor me to give up smoking. My start date is 17 days from now, the 1st of November 2011. All of the donations will go straight to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, and hopefully help find a cure for this debillitating disease. I signed up at about 8pm, and up until this exact point (23.38GMT) I have already raised £105 just by posting links on my Facebook and Twitter pages! I had set a target for £250 and a target of £500 for my 'team' to raise. Well no one has joined my team yet, but it's early days yet! Due to the rapid amount of donations, I've actually increased the target to £500 individually, and £1000 for my team! I'm aiming high!

I'm so grateful for all the people that have donated so far, it's such a nice feeling to know that people aren't all complete twats, and some do care for others. I really hope that I raise a decent amount of money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, but regardless, every little helps right?

Just to plug my pages again now!

and if you want to join my team, whether you want to run a marathon, give up smoking, wax your arse crack, the link for this is:

I hope you enjoy reading about my progress, and a bit further down the line, my totally uncontrollable swearing fits due to my nicotine withdrawels ;)

Lauren x